Legal Notices

About the Editor 

The website is the property SELAS Rama CHALAK, located Adresse : 33 rue Fortuny 75017 PARIS, France, and having for identification : 

APE : 6910 Z - SIRET : 89400120500026  RCS PARIS - SELAS au Capital de 2000 euros

Téléphone : +33 1 40 54 47 51 - Avocat inscrit au Barreau de PARIS


The director of publishing is Rama CHALAK. 


Hosting – Security 

The website has been created by “BuroClic

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Phone : +49 40 - 8 22 44 997 - Fax: +49 40 - 8 22 44 998


Information contained in this website

The information contained in this website is only intended for informative purposes and cannot be regarded or interpreted as providing legal advice, a canvassing, soliciting and/or an offer of services. 


Users are solely liable for any use of the information contained in the website.

The office of Rama CHALAK shall not be held responsible for any damages, direct, indirect or otherwise, arising from the use of the information provided on the website by users. The office does not warrant the access to the website or information contained therein  without interruption. 



The website and any work and material composing the website, in particular any presentation, article, illustration, photograph etc. are and remain the exclusive property of the office.


Any reproduction or representation, whether in part or in whole, of any element of the website, for uses other than private use in an medium whatsoever is prohibited and will trigger the civil and/or criminal liability of the perpetrator/ the author.


Hypertext link

The setting up of any hypertext link to the website require prior written authorization from Rama CHALAK.